There are so many ways when we make God comfortable to us. We make Him a genie, we make Him someone who’s thoroughly kind, forgetting His competitive and just nature. We make God something He is not just so we would feel comfortable with Him. There are 3 ways and mindsets that we make God comfortable for us.

We get too comfortable with God

We get too comfortable with God

The ‘God wants what’s best for me.’ mindset

Yes God does want what’s best for you but that must not be the focus! He wants what’s best for you but not before His glory. Often times we put the period in ‘He wants what’s best for us’ – we don’t realize that He prioritizes His glory over our idea of ‘best for us’.

This mindset is dangerous because it centralizes God on us. It makes us think that we are so important that God is mindful of the things that are best for us when in fact, His glory is more important and He is God.

The ‘God loves me so much!’ Mindset

Yes God loves us so much to let His son die for us and to save us. That’s true! That’s why He doesn’t let you stay as who you are in this life. God loves us so much that He has to punish us when we sin against Him and He has to mold us in character whenever we stray away from the likeness of Jesus in our lives.

Putting the period on ‘God loves us so much’ is dangerous because, again, it makes God revolve around us when in fact everything is for His glory and purpose. Him loving you and changing you into the likeness of Jesus is so that He will be glorified in this world and in your life.

The ‘God wants me to be successful’ Mindset

Yes indeed God wants us to be successful! This statement is true! The question is, successful in what way? We have our own definition of success in this world and God has His own. Who’s definition does He follow? You guessed it.

Success in God’s term is to becoming more and more like Him – giving Him glory in your life. That is success for God. That is His definition of a “Good and faithful servant”. Putting the period on ‘God wants me to be successful’ is dangerous – because once your life is going downhill as far as this world is concerned, you will start doubting that God wants you to be successful in the first place.

It’s all in the mind

It’s your perspective of God that will change your life. Sometimes we say ‘it’s all about God’ but we don’t really know what that phrase means until we realize that this life we’re living doesn’t have to be good in order for God to be there.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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