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The Dangers of a Careless Whisper

Talking to yourself

Ever heard yourself say “I wish I was dead” ? It’s funny how we carelessly say things in a spur of the moment. We don’t even think about the consequences of our words. Our words are dangerous.

“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”– Matthew 12:36-37

Oh My G**

Yes we do hear this ever so often – in movies, TV series, the radio, our friends – even ourselves. And we shrug it off. It’s just another emotionally highlighting phrase. We don’t have to be too legalistic about it. Right?


There is a difference between being legalistic and being downright disrespectful to the name of the one true God. If you don’t want your mom or dad’s name to be the butt of a cuss word or an exclamated phrase, how do you think God feels when you take His name in vain?

You may tell yourself “I’m safe, I don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.” That’s well and good! But do you know that you still disrespect Him whenever you tell yourself “I’m ugly” or “I want to die”?

(Note: Since we’re talking about taking God’s name in vain, I want to point out that the Filipino by-word “Sus” and “Susmaryosep” is taken from the names: “Jesus” “Mary” and “Joseph” – whose names, in my opinion should be in high regard.)

The Ugly Duckling

Let’s face it – you’re not a duck. You’re a human being. The crown of creation. The image and likeness of the living God! You are endowed with the beauty of God’s great craftsmanship. Whenever you say “I’m ugly” it:

  1. Doesn’t help encourage yourself
  2. Denies the craftsmanship of God on you
  3. Disrespects your Maker
  4. Will be heard by God and the spiritual realm

Imagine that you received a gift that a master craftsman carved for you. It’s a small you – a wooden you. It moves, it breathes. It does what you want it to do. It talks with you, eats with you, drinks with you and cares for you. It’s a great and precious gift!

Imagine what the master craftsman would feel if you tell him “It’s ugly. I don’t like how it looks like.”

He worked day and night to finish that just to give it to you as a gift because you are precious to him and you just tell him that it’s ugly??

It is downright unkind and disrespectful – both to the master craftsman and to yourself.

In the end, it doesn’t do anything good.

The Breath of Life

Leaf WindYou move, you think, you eat, drink and breathe. You are a living being. God made you and gave you life.

“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7

Don’t you realize that life is a gift? God is never forced to give you your life but He gave it anyway. It is something good. It is one of the most precious things that God has given us.

Imagine telling that same master craftsman who gave you the greatest gift he ever made: “I don’t want your gift. I want to throw it away.”

It’s the same as saying “I want to die.”

Remember that at the end of days, our words will be accounted for.

Fleeting Words

These are simple words and I believe that we all have said them fleetingly at some point in our lives. Don’t let it pass. Take it back. Ask God for forgiveness.

And don’t ever say it again.

Other posts about words:

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