Most single people, if not all, wants to make it fast to marriage as if it was a race. And if they feel they aren’t moving quick enough, they worry about it. I want to discuss 5 reasons why you shouldn’t worry about being single. Here’s reason number 1:

You wouldn

You wouldn't run out of the opposite sex

There are billions of people in this world. Guess what, not all of them are the same sex as you. And the opposite sex aren’t dying out. There’s plenty of time!

You’re not gonna tagged out of the marriage game just because there are no more people of the opposite sex around. There are billions of them – you don’t even have to look hard! Seriously, don’t worry. There are lots of people in this world! And if you think you’re gonna be left out on a partner, you’re a sad, sad specie. Are you living under a rock? Go out more! YOU WILL NOT RUN OUT OF THE OPPOSITE SEX!

Isaac didn’t worry

Isaac didn’t even go out looking for a partner. He was given it. Abraham sent his most faithful servant to look one for Isaac. God pointed the woman out and the servant took her back to Isaac. They got married and became partners. Now ain’t that a very convenient story? Of course I’m not implying that you have your parents send your servants out to go looking for a partner for you. That would be ridiculous, lazy and you’d probably reject whatever person your servant brings you back home.

All I’m saying is, it happens – and God is in control even with whom you’re going to marry.

Singleness only makes up 1/3 of your life

Have you ever realized that your singlehood makes up only about 1/3 of your life? The rest would most probably be spent on your life as a married person. Why do you want to rush on moving on to that 2/3rds without completely fulfilling your 1/3? I’m not saying make your single life 1/2 or 2/3. What I’m saying is that don’t rush it. There are a lot of things you can’t do when you’re married! That’s why a lot of married couples keep saying “I want to be single again” – it’s because they want to do the things they used to do before they had the responsibility of raising up a family.

Better single than sorry

Better single than sorry

Getting married is easy

Liking someone, going through love, finding a partner and finally getting married – those things are easy. The hard part is having a great marriage and sticking to your commitment with God in your marriage vows. So don’t rush going into marriage. Develop yourself first to be the best you can be in keeping your vows to God no matter what. Make yourself the best when it comes to commitment and unconditional love. Make yourself the best in terms of your health, finances, spirituality, emotional stability, wisdom, etc… There are a lot of things to consider when getting out of singlehood!

God must have a very good reason (in fact, the best reason IF you have to remain single)

I’m not going to put the last option out. If God wants you to remain single, then He must have the best reason why. God loves marriage! He created it and enjoys it! But if He doesn’t want you to go through it, then it must only mean that you’re special. That you have a duty to fulfill that can only be done if and while you are single. Don’t be sad about it! We were not meant to live this life to get married! We were meant to live this life to glorify God!

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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