7 more daysI hope I don’t end up being in crisis. Although I personally think it’s just a fad. I don’t usually hear quarter-life crisis anymore especially since 30 is the new 20. Life has grown in a consumeristic way. Gadgets popping up left and right. Communities and lands getting developed like pancake. It’s all going up here in the Philippines. And we’re all feeling it.

September 6 is fast approaching. This is my last birthday as a single man. The Lord has marked for me to get married at the age of 25. The same age that ahia Dennis got married. What a coincidence. In any case, I’m excited, nervous, problematic, worried, anxious, joyful – and all these mixed emotions at once.

It’s a bubble of what I should expect that’s boiling up inside me. I have no idea what it’s really like to be married. Oh yes I’ve felt hints of it here and there but it’s so much different when you are in the spotlight of the wedding stage and at the pillars of the marriage hall. It’s an exciting new chapter – and I’m at the gates.

25 years down the road now. I know God has always been real in my life. Perhaps this is the year that I felt Him most. Perhaps this is the year I’ve overlooked that the most. Looking back, I’ve been so blessed. I have my own 2nd hand car. I have a house I’m renting (2 in fact but I’m not using one anymore and it’ll soon be out of contract), I have my high-end PC and laptop. I have a great team of 17 people. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of has been given me. I’m content.

I don’t even know what I want for my birthday. God has given me everything that I desired.

Perhaps one thing that has been missing in my heart is ministry. I’ve been out of it for far too long now. I want to go back. Singles ministry seems like a place where God can use me powerfully now. However it’s on Saturdays. It’s either my day of rest, or there’s an event or family outing that I need to attend to.

Perhaps one of these days. But I know that if I leave it that way, it’ll never happen.

I’m sorry Lord for not being used by You for so long. I really want to go back and serve. Perhaps when I’m married? And I could make myself available in a weekday for service in church?

Perhaps my calling is another church now? I don’t really know. What I do know is that God has a great purpose.

I never imagined that this is how ’25’ is going to be. I didn’t over expect or under expect. It’s just different.

SEO Hacker is being blessed by God. I have a great team backing me up. I hope that SEO School will find the breakthrough that it’s sorely lacking. Perhaps we need to do a few more things to make it happen. But I’m not so sure either. Only God will really tell.

For some strange reason, I’ve been looking forward to going to Palawan and just relaxing. The beach, me and my soon-to-be-wife. Honeymoon never seemed so good. Am I overworked? But it’s 5 more months til I get there.

Here’s to the here and now.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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