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You’ve Got to Keep Calling the Play

Make the play

98% of all football plays fail. I’m talking about American football. There will just be some things that are bound to go wrong. Perhaps a fumble in the ball, perhaps a dropped ball, you name it. There will be some things that will just not go the way you envisioned it as the coach.
But you got to keep calling the play.
Everyone knows that it takes only 4 to 5 well executed plays for a game to be won. Yes you and your team may be tired, they may be beat up and bruised, they may even have some broken bones. 
But the next play might be one of those 4 to 5 well executed plays. So you and your team goes out for another round. Yes there is a 98% chance it will fail. You know it well in your heart.
But you still go anyway and call the play.
Because the 2% is worth it.
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