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How Inner Character Directs your Leadership Abilities

55_Harry Uy_How Inner Character Directs your Leadership Abilities

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How do you improve your leadership skills?
Harry wears a lot of hats. He is a husband, a businessman and most importantly, a Christian. Most of the books that Harry reads focus on spirituality and character development.
You can’t always put the blame on the client or your people. In most cases of fall out or disagreement, it starts from within. Harry thinks leadership starts with leading himself through consuming multiple media of self-improvement. Through this, he believes that he becomes more flexible and easier to deal with.
As a fact-based leader, Harry cares a lot about results. Sometimes he only says what’s necessary to get that result and he forgets the manner in which he says it. How he says it depends a lot on his character, rather than the person it’s directed to. The truth will never change, but the way it is said dictates the other person’s reaction.

Is there anything new that you’re working on today?
He is currently starting up a Korean chicken business with his wife named Yum Yum Chicken. They have had mini-food stalls since 2017 and are currently looking for a commissary.

The only synergy between the two businesses that Harry handles is his sense of leadership. In whatever kind of industry that you enter, it’s not just about the know-how but also about how you lead your team into it.

People won’t suddenly change just because they shifted to another profession. The makeup of your character remains the same.

Would you say that it was easier to start Yum Yum Chicken because you already had that experience in leadership from Reality Box?
The opportunities that came were definitely blessings from God, but he wouldn’t have taken advantage of them if it weren’t because of the experience in leadership that he got from Reality Box.

How can people reach you?
You can find Harry Uy through the website of Reality Box: for YumYum Chicken, you can easily find them in Facebook @yumyumchickenph. You can order through their Facebook page, Grabfood, and Lalamove.

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