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To my Firstborn Son: I’ll be Old and Slow Someday

Sean and Leo Z

Whenever I see you in the morning, I’m filled with joy. Not just because you’re super cute but because you’re my son. My firstborn son whom I dearly love.

Each morning we’d play together. Smile. Laugh. Get hurt a little because we’re boys. Your smile is always a huge, big, honest smile.

I love seeing you smile.

I have to be honest with you son, today we’re playing at your level. Things that are so simple that you’re already laughing and having so much fun like tossing your toys around.

Someday that won’t be the case. Someday it will take more to fill you with wonder and joy. Just like when I was growing up.

Someday I know I’ll get older and I’ll be slower. The things that will enthuse you and sate your curiosity might not be something I’ll be able to catch up with.

And when that day comes, I hope you’ll be alright to play with your old man. To play on my level. A slower level. A level that may not give you as much joy. A level that may not make you as happy and show that big smile.

But I want you to know that I will always love you whether or not you’ll decide to spend time playing with me then. Perhaps you’ll see this letter. Perhaps not.

Come what may, I want you to know that I love you and I spent time playing with you – everyday.

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