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What are your top five investments?

Top five investments? Well, I mentioned the agriculture investment. That for me, in my opinion, is one of the best investments that me and my wife have made. It’s a private investment with a friend, so it’s not available to the public, unfortunately. But it’s a really good investment, really good returns. And the person I invested in is a good friend. A person of integrity and a brilliant person. Also, he’s the fifth generation running the agri business. So he really knows the ins and outs.

I mentioned also last time that investing in your spirit is a very big deal for me. So when I say that I invest in my spirit, that means I read God’s word every day. I meditate on it. I talk with him every day, that’s prayer. I do journals. And these are things that are very, very important for me, much more than money. Since you only mentioned investments, not financial investments, one investment that I would say is actually the top one investment is, investing in my spirit.

I also invest in my relationships. So I guess that’s going to be top two or top three, somewhere there. Network is very important. I’m a businessman. First and foremost, in terms of making money, generating revenue, I’m a businessman. I’m not an investor like Marvin Germo. But I do have investments, financial investments because it is tough to just put your money in the bank and watch inflation eat it up. So I do have financial investments. It’s just that I invest in my network more. So I get to know people. I go to mixers. I go to events. I get to know new people, meet new people. Right now, it’s a little bit tougher because we’re just at home, but it’s not impossible. I still meet new people. People still get referred to me and it’s all good.

Another investment that I make in terms of financial investment, I invest in a copy trading platform. If you want to know more about that, maybe you can just DM me. I’ll send you the link, show you even the people that I’m copying. These people I’m copying, the gains are upwards of 20%, 60% per annum. So that’s actually a very, very good vehicle if you want to grow your revenue or make your money work for you passively. That is something that I could share with you. Just send me a PM or DM, Facebook, YouTube, wherever. Or actually in Discord, you can send me a DM there and I’ll let you know about who I’m copying and about the copy trading platform as well. And I could help you out if you’re going to have difficulties in signing up because some people do, I can expedite that one for you.

The last investment I would say is an investment in your health. We all know how expensive our body is. Our body’s super duper expensive because when you get sick, the hospital charges you in the six to seven digits in a matter of a few weeks, so that is a big deal. If you don’t invest in your health, your health could grumble down or you could get wind of whatever virus is out there. Maybe it’s not corona, maybe it’s something else. We don’t know, only God knows. But I would say that it is going to wreak havoc on your finances, so invest in your health and your physical health as early as now.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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