Holding on to a RelationshipWe live in this world where lots of good things exist. We’re blessed with a family, a house, a car perhaps, and then some time in our lives, we’re blessed with a relationship. How do you react when that someone you hold so dear to, suddenly needs to leave? For whatever reason, your relationship has to stop. What do you do then?

I talked with a good friend of mine last night and he told me a very interesting story.

He was young and in his grandfather’s house. It was new year and he’s playing with his sister in one of the rooms when suddenly a bird flew in. It was quite a big bird with beautiful colors. He and his sister got all excited and started chasing the bird around the room.

They were chasing it hard because it was difficult to catch. Finally, he got hold of the bird – at its tail feathers. The bird was afraid so it flapped its wings harder – but he didn’t want to let go. Until the bird got away from his clutches – leaving its tail feathers at his grip.

He saw all the beautiful feathers in his hand – but it didn’t mean anything anymore because they were just feathers. The bird flapped its wings but it couldn’t fly anymore – it needed its tail feathers to guide it in the air. Filled with pity, he and his sister let the bird go and he kept one of its tail feathers to remind him.

Remind him that there are some things that are not meant to be ours – and when the time comes, we have to let it go. Let go or we will ruin it – disabling it.

Colorful BirdI don’t know what happened to the bird – I certainly hope it didn’t get eaten by a stray cat. But I learned an important lesson in my friend’s story: Even if the person you love tells you that she’s yours, she’s not. She belongs to God.

And if you hold on tightly to her even when she’s meant to fly, you will not only ruin her – you will ultimately cripple her from what God designed her to be.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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