Doubt is a very common attribute of a human being. It is a sort of “protection” embedded in our reasoning and logic for us to try to think more critically about a certain aspect or philosophy or principle or whatever in our lives. It is something to protect us for the purpose of us going out there and unlock the protection to be really free. Doubt exists for us to verify something – much like how goldsmiths refine gold, in order for us to have full freedom to believe.

If you’ve been following my blog and the comments, this question came from Charles. It is a very good question because many people are struggling with doubt and believing and “having faith” and this is my opportunity to explain it in the best way I can.

When you believe in God

When you believe in God's person, you have no room for doubt because of His love

Let’s face it, EVERYONE DOUBTS or has doubted at some point – especially in Christianity where we have a faith-based salvation and a faith-based love relationship with God. Doubt is very prevalent where faith is a must. Why? Because that is the way we are designed by God. If there is no such thing as doubt, we will never appreciate faith.

Now the question is, how can we really believe in God? I’ve tackled something like this in one of my posts: Getting rain drenched. Walking through the discomfort. Let me tell it straight to you – believing in God is not easy it is extremely difficult. Believing in God means knowing more of Him as a person.

The reason why people find it so hard to believe in God is that they are so FOCUSED on themselves. “God didn’t answer my prayers, therefore God doesn’t exist” or “God made me go through such a traumatic experience in my life, therefore how can I believe Him?”, “God allowed this to happen, He’s probably not paying me any mind, therefore I choose not to believe Him.” Can you see how self-centered these statements are? All these statements are saying is “It’s all about me! If things don’t go my way, God must be against me or He must not exist!”

Faith is NOT FOCUSING ON YOURSELF, it is NOT FOCUSING ON WHAT GOD CAN GIVE YOU, it is NOT BELIEVING THAT YOU HAVE ENOUGH FAITH, IT IS BELIEVING IN GOD AS A PERSON – a person who is so good and Holy and who loves you so much that even if He takes away everything, you will still believe Him because He created you and loves you so very much and He has promised that He has plans for you and He has never broken a promise. Not a single one.


We keep doubting God when it gets uncomfortable for us

People have trouble believing God because they are focused on themselves. Can you see my point? Think about it.
Doubt is there not to drive you away from God, but to make you want to know more. The clues are out, the evidence is given and the advice is only too visible – READ THE BIBLE. Know more about the God who loves you and find out that life is not all about you. It’s all about God.

You think life being all about God makes God selfish? God is so great that He only has Himself to glorify. If you’re so big and so good and so great and awesome, would you glorify something or someone else? Of course not! I would not worship a god any less than the great and awesome God I have now. And the good thing about it is that HE HAS CLAIMED IT ALL. NO MORE GUESSING, NO MORE ROOM FOR DOUBT – JUST READ HIS WORD!

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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