Love is in the air! There are so many people celebrating valentines day. So many lovers out there who rejoice with this day’s celebration. So here’s a post to help you guys out on how to be the best valentine.
Valentines day has passed me by without posting an entry for it. Sorry about that, I had to settle some things. I’ve been really busy – so many things to do and take care of. But no matter, here’s my entry for this season’s day for hearts and lovers.

It's not about the chocolates and flowers...
Know yourself
The day for hearts starts with the mind. Knowing yourself is knowing how to be in control of three things:
1. Know about your heart – Your emotions.
Emotion is a very powerful thing designed by God to be in us for us to do things with passion and with fullness of heart. King David was a very emotional man. And in fact, he is said to be a man after God’s own heart. His emotions can be powerfully seen in his poems and songs written in the book of psalms. But what else did he have aside from powerful emotions?
He had control over it. David was mindful over his emotions. He was wise over his feelings. In the end, it’s not how emotional you are as a person or as a lover – it’s how mindful you are over your emotions that matters. David knew when to be emotional and he knew how to direct it and use it for the glory of God.
Are you in control? Emotions can be very selfish. It’s a double-edged sword. You have to know how to wield it or it will cut you up.
2. Know about your thoughts – Your mindset. Everything starts in the mind. Your thoughts will be the starter of every decision you make. You have to know what your thoughts are composed of. Are you looking into a long-term relationship? In short, are you considering marriage? What is your goal? What is your vision?
You have to know it. Without having a vision or goal set in your thoughts, you are prone to compromise and could, in the end, lead to decisions you might regret.
3. Know about your will – Your decision.
You have to know about what you’ve decided on. You have to know your decision. Is he/she the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? It’s not about emotions or feelings. It’s about your decision and choice.
Know what real love is
Love, love love. It is arguably the most abused word with the most definitions available to mankind. The meaning changes and varies as time passes by and as generations come and go. In our generation it is apparently likened to a feeling or to sex. We have so many definitions for love in this world that we are often left confused. What’s the real, unchanging definition for love anyway?
There is a perfect embodiment of love that has never changed through history – and it is found in the person of God. God is love. In order to know what real love is, you have to know God. How do you get to know Him? Read the Bible. Know the Person who is personified as love to know real love.
In the end, it’s not about the chocolates and flowers. Being the best valentine is being the best of yourself for you to best love your valentine. Know about love – what it really is in order for you to know how to really love.