We dream of the perfect love story for ourselves. We often fly away to that place where we dream of a beautiful love story with our special someone. And when reality hits us, we think to ourselves that our love story won’t begin until we reach a certain stage of life. We couldn’t be more wrong.

This entry has been inspired by my mentors: pastor Dennis Sy and pastor LA Mumar and has been re-inspired by the book “When God Writes Your Love Story” written by Eric and Leslie Ludy.

To my future wife: I loved you before I met you

To my future wife: I loved you before I met you

You may say I’m a dreamer

We start out as dreamers. As young men and women who seek out that perfect and passionate love story in our book called life. We love to read and re-read that chapter of story books, we love to watch love stories that make us feel, we love to listen to other people’s love lives and we often wonder what our own would be like.

A love story we can call our own

Everybody wants a love story that they can call their own. Everyone wants to share their lives with their special other. It is all built-in by God in our hearts and souls to desire to love and be loved. We are beings who seek love and who seek to give love. And at some point in our lives, we tend to jump-start our love story with the opposite sex without thinking of the cost or consequences. Can we handle it? Is it the right time? What does God say about it?

“Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” – Proverbs 24:27

God says that you have to be prepared before you build a home. Building a home requires counting the cost, preparing your fields and finishing your work. Often times we neglect work and we seek relationships even before we have prepared ourselves for building a home. We dive in to relationships when the Bible clearly indicates that you are not yet ready.

But this doesn’t mean that you have NO LOVE LIFE while you are yet preparing yourself. In fact, the very opposite is true. Your love life starts the moment you desire for one.

There is a love life before love life

You see, keeping yourself for the one whom God has kept and ordained for you is not a small thing. If you believe that God is keeping you for marriage then it most probably means that He has someone in store for you and that person is most probably alive and walking this planet as you are. Even if you have not met that person, it doesn’t mean you cannot love him/her now. In fact, you can love him/her by consecrating yourself and keeping yourself pure and set apart for that person – so that when the time comes and God puts you together, you can tell that person “I know I loved you before I met you. Because I’ve kept myself for you.”

And as a young man, hearing that for the first time from my mentors, I knew I wanted that. Don’t you?

I know for a fact that right now I’m loving my future wife because I’m keeping myself for her through the grace of God. So that when the time comes I know that I can claim her hand and tell her that I loved her even before I met her. I encourage you, young men and women to start loving your future spouse right now. In the same way that God loved us even yet while we were still unformed – He saw us and our unformed body and said “I am willing to die for you.”

It’s yours to give or keep

You are a treasure that you can give away or keep. Wouldn’t you want your future spouse to have that treasure in full? Whenever you enter a relationship and give yourself away, you are giving another person the keys to that treasure chest and that person will take anything he or she can get in order to fill his or her own chests with you and at the same time, you’re getting from that person’s treasure chest too!

In the end, your treasure chest will not be filled by your own treasure, but by treasures from your past relationships – treasures that will only hurt your future spouse because it is not his or hers completely.

I encourage you, young men and women, to make the decision to love your special someone now. It is a choice – it won’t happen just because.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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