Perfect is not perfect anymore and will never be perfect again when a mistake occurs in it’s s...
The lies of lust and the truths of the Bible against it Taken from: Not even a hint by Joshua Harris...
Men are created in the image and likeness of God. Since God is special and we are created as beings ...
It was my 21st birthday this September 6, 2009 and here in the Philippines that means a guy’s ...
Why believe in a god? This question, as I’ve learned in the recent youth camp of my highschoo...
I love stories. Stories make up my life. I believe everything is made up of stories. When the world ...
Indeed everything that God created is good. Though ever it can be used for malice and twisted into ...
We take the word "God" so much for granted. I am even apalled at myself that the word "God" has occa...
I believe that a person is made up of beliefs. Everything that a person is, is built from his belief...