Ever heard the phrase “Have faith?” I’m sure that we’ve been through that phrase in our life more than once. Faith is such a disturbing thing. People hate it because some people abuse it’s existence – they become lazy, they lose out in life, they don’t walk their talk, and so many other things. People like that have incomplete faith which is, to put it bluntly, outright stupid.

Incomplete faith makes you worse than these two

Incomplete faith makes you worse than these two

Faith is believing the person, not the person’s capability

Believing is quite easy. Saying you believe is not a tough thing to do isn’t it? Yes we know that it all starts from the heart and all but more often than not, we replace the person we believe in with his or her capability. It’s different. When we say we believe in God, we believe in Him – in His person.

Sometimes we make God’s power and omnipotence the focus of our faith. There’s nothing wrong in believing His omnipotence but when it becomes the focus, then we miss the point. God is the one who should hold the focus of our faith, not His omnipotence.

When you know the person and you believe the person then everything else will follow. When you get to know God’s person and He is the focus of your faith, then you will also know His omnipotence, His capability and majesty without losing that complete focus of faith in Him as a person.

If you believe the person, you will do what he or she says

Having faith in a person you don’t really know is quite dangerous don’t you think? You would want at least some sort of basis or evidence for which you can put your trust in. Now, having put your trust in that person, you would do what he or she says now that you do trust that person completely.

After all, having believed that person is knowing that whatever happens, he or she has your back when he or she asks you to do something isn’t it? Suppose you believe me completely as your friend and as someone who loves you. When I ask you to do something for me, wouldn’t you do it knowing that I love you and care for you and I only want what is best for you?

Faith without action is incomplete

“You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.”

James 2:22

Saying “Have faith” or “I have faith” Can never be faith at all if you do not do what the focus of your faith asks you to do. It’s just words. And no matter how powerful words are, it would end up stupid if it is not accompanied by your life. As they say “Walk your talk” –  back up your faith with your life.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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