Powerful Methods to Grow Your Professional Network Like a Boss

We’ve all heard the saying, “Your network is your net worth.” True. False. 

What we cannot argue about is that it’s so valuable, especially if you’re running a business or an organization or if you need something and you know someone. There you go. Networks are extremely important, not just in work, but in life.

The first thing that you need to do is go to networking events. Be open to going to them. And the best ones are, of course, face-to-face now. 

Networking events are extremely valuable because you meet new people, and some of them will be willing to introduce you to other people. Now, why are they going to be doing that? Well, they’re going to do that for you if you provide value to them.

So, for example, whenever I go to these networking events, I introduce myself and ask them what they do. 

And this is an important first step to growing your network. Talk about them, don’t talk about yourself first. When they ask you what you do, that’s the only time you talk about yourself.

But what I usually ask is, “Hey, what do you do? So what is your work? What’s your profession? What’s your business? What’s up with you today? What are you working on?” Those are the questions that I usually ask when I’m networking.

And other people would talk about what they do, and what their business is, and of course, they’re going to want to return the favor. Not all the time, but most of the time, people also ask me what I do if I haven’t been introduced yet.

I cannot express how important this is and how many clients I have been able to close and how much revenue I have been able to make just by attending networking events.

I am a JCI Manilla member and it is something I’m very proud of because we do a lot of nation-building projects for our country. 

Being part of JCI Manilla, we do have networking events where, if you are someone who is recognized and you get a good reputation and people introduce you to other people.

Now, the question is, just what kind of networking events should you attend? Is there some specific category that you have to be attending or is it just attending each and every event that you can? I would suggest that you cherry-pick the ones that you want to attend.

This is because these events are where you will learn something new, or know you could get a lot of potential clients or suppliers. Not every event will offer that to you. Likewise, you won’t be able to attend all the events that do, so you have to know how to use your time wisely.

How I pick my networking events is I want to make sure there are one or two people there that I know, preferably part of the organizing team, so that they can show me around and introduce me to people.

If not, then I will choose a networking event where there are a lot of potential clients for me. And I go around, introduce myself, ask people what they do, and I get to know a lot of people.

Now, what happens after you get to know people, you get to shake their hands, and get their email addresses, calling cards, and mobile numbers? What you should do is follow them up, text them, and call them.

Say, “Hey! This is Sean. I hope you remember me from last night’s event. I just want to say thank you for meeting me there. I just want to say thank you for the value you provided for me. If there’s anything I could do for you, just let me know I’m always here. If you recall, this is my business. This is what I do and if I could do anything for you or your business or your work, just let me know, I’m just a call away.”

That is so valuable because people don’t do that in networking events. And if you are someone who does that, who remembers, and follows them up the day after, that is so valuable and you will leave a lasting impression.

What you want in networking events is a long-term, deep relationship with these people. Don’t just go around trying to go speed dating, and building shallow relationships in your networking events—that’s not going to take you anywhere. You’re not going to close any deal, nor will you get any good suppliers from doing it that way. 

Instead, go deep. Figure out a few key people that you’ve met who you know you can provide value to or who can provide value to you. And when you do, call them. Follow them up.

I remember one crypto event that I attended because one of the panelists is a really good friend of mine, who coincidentally also helped fix our network here in the office. He was part of the event because he is very much into cryptocurrency.

He invited me and gave me a seat at the VIP table. I went around meeting people and saying hello to old friends. And in that specific networking event, I was able to sit beside a significantly well-known celebrity here in the country.

And before the event, I actually didn’t know who she was. But after I spoke with her, I asked her a few questions. “Hey, how were you able to get into this event? Who invited you? How are you into crypto? How’re your investments doing?”

We kept in touch, and now we’re talking about more investment opportunities that we can get into. That is something so simple but so profound because you meet really good people at some networking events.

Again, this ties into my previous point, which is to choose the networking events that you’re going to wisely. 

I went to that event because a good friend of mine was speaking and he was willing to give me a seat at the VIP table, and he showed me around and introduced me to a lot of key people at that event.

So I hope that this short story has provided some insight into how valuable networking really is. Don’t be afraid to go out there, introduce yourself, talk about people, ask them how they’re doing, what they do. 

That is something that is going to help you in the future—and it has helped me tons.

So my challenge to you is to list down at least three networking events this year that you plan on attending. There are so many that you can find online, so plan on going to some, and commit to meeting at least three new people.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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