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One word that describes the fall and salvation of man

There is a word that links the fall and salvation of man. One word can describe it all. One word can be said of our story in God’s hands – of how we were separated from Him and how we can be brought back to Him again.

One Word

How did man fall? We have fallen short of the glory of God because of sin. Sin has separated us from God. This happened the moment when Adam and Eve doubted God in their hearts and said: “Is this serpent telling the truth about God? Maybe He is indeed keeping knowledge from us and we won’t really die.”

We have fallen by doubting God, taking away our trust from Him. And putting our faith behind us, we place our trust in something else other than God.

On the other hand, man’s salvation is by trusting God through putting our faith in Christ alone – confessing with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believing in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead. We are saved by God even if we don’t deserve it – only through faith.

One word that utterly connects the fall of man and the salvation of man is TRUST. Man have fallen by telling God “You’re a liar, I don’t trust you.” Men are saved by telling God “Okay God, I will trust you if that’s salvation on your terms then I will abide.”

Life is simple. God made it simple for us to reach Him. Yet we make it so, so hard for ourselves by the walls of compromise and lies we have built around our hearts – and society has even made it harder for us by building the same lies and compromises around the truths of God’s word.

If you really trust someone 100% – I’m sure you’ll be betting your life on that person. That’s real trust, not great trust, but real trust.

Salvation is simple. It is a matter of trust. Do you trust God?

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