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What Qualities Do I Look for in the People I Hang Out With?

What Qualities Do I Look for in the People I Hang Out With?

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The number one quality is something where they’re more successful or better than me, that I want to be successful or better in. So if, for example, they’re better at me in basketball. I want to hang out with them. If I want to become better with basketball. If they’re better at me with a public speaking or with reading or with selling while on stage, then I would want to hang out with them more because I want to learn that and you can only learn that from people, who are better than you, who are more successful than you. It’s hard to learn it from people who are at the same level as you are and you’re just pushing each other, encouraging each other, and patting each other in the back. Although that helps, but it would be a lot easier and a lot faster and a lot more validated if you learn from people who have gone the way, those are the people I would probably hang out with.

How do you start a conversation?

Just say hi. I understand that there are people who are sometimes awkward or find it difficult to just find or start a conversation, but it’s going to be weird, if you just chat out of the blue, it’s going to be a little bit weird, but really if you want something so bad, I personally do that because I’m in sales. I’ve been doing sales for a long time since I started business 10 years ago. I had to sell SEO. When you think about it, SEO is not really easy to sell because 10 years ago, people had no idea what SEO is. They’re like “SEO, what’s that?” “search engine optimization? What is that?”

It’s hard to sell SEO. You have to keep on practicing. I’ve been practicing for 10 years. I have my elevator pitch now. it’s easy for me to start a conversation about SEO. But really, if you want to start a conversation with someone, just say, hi. Just let them know what you do or ask them something or give them something of value. That’s the easiest way for me, give them something of value. If you know they’re struggling with something or they want to know something, give them the answer, give them what you think that just enables you to go down a good conversation route.


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