Here in the office, there’s lots of throwing of ideas back and forth – for topics and fun. There are lots of discussions and jokes floating around the air. One thing I discovered though, there’s no breath of innovation and shared learning going around.
Perhaps this should be one of my short term goals. To help my team get their feet off the ground and finally get a grip on mindsharing with their expertise with others on the team. Perhaps there’s a barrier of communication when it comes to professionally sharing something new.
Whatever it is, I know I’ve tried. There’s the growth board in Trello and the emails I regularly send out to help them learn. There’s our internal Facebook group to reach out to them even on the weekends. Heck, there’s even my own blog to learn from and discuss.
But it just doesn’t happen.Which makes me wonder how I can test out encouraging them about mindsharing their professional knowledge and expertise with their teammates.
Jokes and other stuff are fun. They’re good for team morale and trust at the workplace. But there’s nothing being done for professional growth.
Here’s the A and B of business:
A – innovation – moving things forward – making sure that the company changes and goes beyond what is the norm
B – maintenance – fixing, finishing, reporting, etc – making sure that we’re doing all the right things that we’ve been doing to get business
Our team is currently at B. It’s so hard to point the needle at A. What’s the secret recipe behind it?
I know that I’ve modeled it. Perhaps more than enough as I post ALL the things in our growth board. No one else is helping me out there.
Like anything, perhaps I should start this with prayer. God blessed me with this team. He must be the master and commander of our team chemistry and DNA.
Let’s rock the innovation atmosphere.