I’ve been reading Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing lately. In the book, I encountered the 4 quadrants yet again. I realize now that I’m in 2 of the quadrants at the same time – Business and Self-employed (or what Robert Kiyosaki calls the Smart quadrant).
Last night one of my previous employees dropped by and he gave me some advice about my team. He said that the team isn’t what it seems to be and most carry bruises that I inflicted. All seems good and well to me. But hey, everyone has his/her own blind side.
You see, being in the self-employed quadrant isn’t easy if you’re also running a business. You have to be the best person – the best asset – in the business. Without you, the business would not exist. It would cease to run. The burden is too heavy to carry. I never thought employee management was this tough. Perhaps the challenge of having the team grow into 16 strong in that quick a time isn’t a good thing. I have to have time that I could invest in them – which I don’t because I’m still the one carrying a lot of responsibilities moving the team forward in terms of growth.
I sent out an anonymous survey to the team. It’s just to know whether the advised ‘bruises’ does exist. Turns out that there are still cauterized wounds. I’m not really too happy with my ratings. But it’s to be expected since I’ve been away from my own team for far too long. Much like how a father has not been with his children for too long.
The worse thing about it is, someone spread some very bad lies to the kids. And it’ll be pretty darn tough for me to reverse that. It’s made the cauterized wounds to fester and rot. It’ll take a miracle and huge humility and effort on my part to bring everything up.
I guess it’s you and me again Lord. I need you to help me out with this. This isn’t something I can do alone. Festering, rotting cauterized wounds are the stuff that needs miraculous healing.
There are worldly ways to solve this problem. Take out the festered altogether and leave only the wounds that I could easily heal. Replace the rots with fresh new flesh. But that mustn’t be what God would want me to do.
I love my team. There’s an inner circle for me – much like Peter, James and John. But I guess this survey proves that I have to be present to each and everyone. I guess a day in two weeks wouldn’t hurt.
I need to get my act in order and adapt to this.
It has gone on far too long. The venom has gone in far too deep.
Oh Lord, be with me. May your favor rest with me as I try to go out and face this.