Many young people today are given the thought that it’s okay to have sex, it’s uncool to be a virgin, it’s macho to be sexually active, it’s sexy to have a lot of sexual partners, etc. The internet promotes it like crazy, TV broadcasts it almost directly, movies and media markets the idea. Basically the whole world is promoting pre-marital sex and adultery. So what if I have sex?
The world is asking: So what if I have sex?
This might be one of my hardest hitting entries. This is also arguably the simplest entry I’ll be giving about sex and purity. Because, let’s face it – it’s a black and white argument.
Sex is extremely rampant these days. It is popularized and glorified to the point that it has revealed itself all-out in different forms – literature, media, advertisement, marketing, the internet, and the list goes on. Kids at a very tender and young age are exposed to the very idea that sex is great and it is even better when done without the boundaries that God has set for it.
The truth is, many people are making this statement today: “So what if I have sex?”
When pastors and preachers are scandalized of having sexual immorality with another person, it is demonized and suddenly placed in a dark shade – they are ultimately condemned. But when prominent people who are known to live a ‘free’ and worldly life go out and commit adultery or sexual immorality, they are glorified – subtly or bluntly. Whichever way we put it, we as human beings know that there is something wrong with having sex outside of marriage.
We just have this habit of ‘categorizing’ people – those who can commit sexual immorality and who cannot. When in truth, ALL PEOPLE have a law set by God and is fully known to EVERYONE.
“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” – 1 Corinthians 6:18
Somehow all of us know that it is a sin to have sex with someone who is not our spouse whether we admit it or not – some people call it conscience, I call it fear of the Lord. Either way, we know instinctively that it is wrong. But even if there is that thing called conscience and fearing God, we have the ability to choose. And this world has set it’s eyes on helping us choose the desires of our body – which is to have sex even if we break the law and standard that God has set for us.
“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.” – Ephesians 5:3
This is God’s standard. Not even a hint of sexual immorality or any kind of impurity.
What is the world’s standard? ‘Indulge yourself’. ‘Follow your heart’. ‘Just do it’. ‘Just be sure to practice safe sex’. These are the things that the world calls ‘freedom’ and it condemns God’s laws and ways as being ‘put in a fence’ and ‘contained’
I can go on and on about this topic and I fear I might stray away from my points. But let me leave you with this thought: So what if I have sex? God sees you and He will judge you for all your actions. Sexual immorality is sin and God condemns it even if the world glorifies it. if you so choose to follow the ways of the world, I tell you the truth, God’s wrath will not be withheld from you and you will have to face the consequences of your choices.
Fear God – something the world has forgotten. It laughs in the face of God now. Blasphemy is rampant and people don’t care about God and His kingdom anymore. The world is changing. But I tell you, that fear is what’s gonna keep you from falling into sin – it’s what’s going to keep you fleeing from temptation.
Remember that the main purpose of our lives is not to ‘be successful’ and ‘enjoy life’ it is to live for our Creator – to glorify and please Him alone. Especially with our bodies. For our flesh is molded into His image and likeness and our life is the breath of God. So follow His ways in the area of sexual purity. Honor God with your bodies.