Selling your son for suicide bombingSuicide bombing is rampant in different terrorist networks. It is a common practice. The terrorist organization would buy the son or daughter of a family – sometimes they offer a million, sometimes more, sometimes less. A million for a person’s life? A million for your son? What does Jesus Christ have to do with this article?

Sacrifice for a belief

Suicide bombing will not exist if the belief in the cause of the act is not altogether powerful. A suicide bomber will only agree to do the act of suicide bombing if he is all-out convinced with the cause of what he is doing it for. His belief will claim his life. It is a sacrifice for that certain belief that makes suicide bombing such a noble act to the people who support, while it is the exact same belief in suicide bombing that makes it such a horrible thing to people who despise it.

God said "I will provide"

God said "I will provide"

Remember Abraham?

Abraham was ready to sacrifice his own son – the one and only – to God. Abraham believed in God so much that he was willing wholeheartedly to give it all away. He was going to sacrifice something that is most precious to him – something he holds dearest to in life – for his belief in God.

Abraham nearly sacrificed his son when God called out to him. God stopped Abraham right at the last moment and promised Abraham that He would be the one to provide the sacrifice.

God did provide

Right on the next hill, in ‘Golgotha’ , God fulfilled His promise. He provided Jesus Christ to die for us as the once-for-all sacrifice for man’s sin. Jesus died for us to end all unnecessary sacrifice in our world.

If only those suicide bombers knew this gift, they would realize they don’t have to sacrifice themselves or their sons. God did it for us, for peace in this world, for His glory, for His love for us and alas, for us to love each other.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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