No this is not a post about the 3D animated Disney film. This is more about your experience with your first toy. Remember how it went for you when you got your first toy which you dearly loved? Remember how you cherished it and played and spent time with it? Remember how you felt when it broke?
It's just never the same
This entry has been inspired by my relationship with a very special someone with whom I have learned and gained wisdom with.
How did you feel when your first toy broke? Did you feel sad? I know I did. The sadness I felt is unexplainable – it’s as if I’ve lost something that I can never have again even if we knew that mommy or daddy can buy us an exact same replacement.
Even if we were offered another toy, we refuse. Why? There’s just something that we had with that first toy that we know we can never have again with any other toy even if it’s exactly the same.
Toys are fragile and they’re not meant to last forever. You gave your first toy your love and affection and when it broke, it most probably broke your heart too. Thus the unexplainable sadness you felt. You knew that you can never have what you gave away with that toy again. And you can never have that special something with another toy even if it looks exactly the same – because you know that it’s just not it.
So what’s the point?
Okay, this post isn’t about toys (I hope you’re not thinking that it is) but that’s my analogy for the topic at hand.
Toys are not meant to last forever but I believe that unconditional love is. Agape – what God has for us lasts forever. And isn’t that what we vow to have with our spouse on our wedding? When you love someone, you give it your affection and yourself. You can never take that back again. But who says that unconditional love starts in your wedding day?
Like my previous post “I know I loved you before I met you”, we can start unconditionally loving our future spouse even way before we meet him/her.
I know that giving a toy analogy to this topic might seem a bit off, but it’s a perfect example of how, when you give your love and affection away, it will just not be the same as when you saved it for that someone whom God has kept for you.
So I encourage you, young men and women, do not give yourselves away to relationships that are not given to you by God. You are robbing yourself, your future spouse and that someone whom you’re having a relationship with of something that should have been kept for a great God-glorifying relationship.