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The Well-Meant Lie

“You can be everything you want to be”
That’s one of the biggest, well-meant lies that we millennials were told while we were growing up.
Truth is, we can’t. A lot of dreamed of playing pro basketball. We’re nowhere near the NBA.
A lot of us dreamed of being astronauts. We’re nowhere near getting to the moon.
Our heads are way up on the clouds thinking bigger, wanting more, expecting better – almost all the time in all situations.
We need a reality check. We can only really move forward one step at a time. Working hard to create opportunities, grabbing that opportunity, and giving our best to enable that opportunity to take us to new heights.
Even if that phrase “everything you want to be” sounds so good (and is well-meant) it has demolished the virtue of hard work and patience in our generation.
Stand out by embracing those virtues.
Be the difference.
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