I went home to Richmond’s place tonight. Was so tired coz of work in the office. I felt like dozing off immediately after I’ve changed to comfy shorts and shirt. I was checking my e-mail when something unexpected happened.

My peripheral vision caught something in the corner. What is it? Here’s a picture:

What is this?

What is this?

What do you think this is?

Done guessing?

Well, if you have to know…

It’s a mouse that’s all bound up in plastic and taped all over.

I’m guessing it’s dead because it can’t possibly breathe with all the plastic and tape.

So let me tell you the story.

Richmond was watching a movie in his laptop entitled “500 days of summer” when the mouse caught my eye.

I said “Uy may daga!” (Hey look, there’s a mouse!)

Lifting up his feet, he said “Saan?” (Where?)

The mouse bolted to his side of the room “Ayun o!” (There it is!)

Deciding to catch it tonight, I stood up “Tara I-trap naten” (C’mon, let’s trap it)

He went to one side of the corner and I stooped down on the other side to take a look.

Knowing it was there, I motioned to Mon “Kuhaan mo ako ng plastic, huhulihin ko” (Get me a plastic, I’ll try catching it)

So he went out and got a plastic for me.

“Eto” (here you go) Mon handed me the plastic

Huli ka balbon! I was laughing so hard as Mon took my picture

Huli ka balbon! I was laughing so hard as Mon took my picture

I slipped my right hand in the plastic and tried rattling the place where the mouse hid. Richmond looked tense. I looked at him, “Dyan ka lang, harangan mo para pag lumabas siya, hindi siya makakatakas” (stay there and block it so it won’t escape)

I rattled it some more. It leaped out towards Mon’s direction. To my utter surprise, Richmond jumped to the bed. “ANONG GINAGAWA MO??!” (WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING??!)

“Madumi eh!” (It’s dirty)


I laughed so hard the whole mouse-hunt. It was so fun because the idea was so funny. If you know Mon, he has a muscular build because he loves to work out – in fact, he’s my coach in the gym.

He was so surprised that I had the guts to smack the rat with my right hand. I had no problem doing it – I was wearing plastic anyway.

Well, to make the long story short, I got the rat – thanks to Mon as being the “Spotter”

It was so fun – primarily because I laughed my ass off on watching Mon jumping to the chairs and beds and even on the floor whenever the mouse bolted off from it’s hiding spot.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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