Ever had someone offend you and he/she doesn’t want to say sorry? Sometimes we see that the person is indeed sorry for what he/she has done but he/she is having a hard time saying it.

Communication is essential for relationships
Sometimes the other person already knows that he/she is wrong but he/she just doesn’t want to say it.
It’s such a mysterious thing – why saying “sorry” is important, even if we know that the other person already knows we’re sorry. So why is it important?
Picture this: You like someone and you both know that it’s mutual. You both like each other. If the other person doesn’t say it, there’s something that will always be missing. Can you imagine two people who never told each other that they liked each other entering into marriage? I’ve yet to meet a couple like that.
It is important to SAY IT. Telling the other person you like him/her completes the deed you show – it completes your outward actions. Saying sorry completes the repentant heart. SAYING IT IS IMPORTANT.

We have to keep communicating with God everyday
I want to apply this to prayer. Why is prayer important? God knows your every need right? God knows everything you do, everything you say, every thought you think right? God knows you’re sorry when you did wrong right? Right?
Even if God knows your every need and even if God knows you’re sorry, if you don’t say it, it will never be complete. Confessing to God is humility and God loves a person with a humble heart. If you don’t ask God for the things you need, it’s keeping humility from Him. And so it creeps in as an issue of pride.
Prayer is also constant communication with God. If you keep on obeying Him and never talk to Him, then the outward manifestation of your love for Him is not complete. Communication is essential for a relationship to grow. You communicate with God through prayer and God communicates with you through His Word. Read your Bible and pray every day.
I hope this short message has knocked on your heart on the importance of prayer and confession in your life. Doing the deed is indeed good, but if you don’t say it, it is not complete.