A lot of people say “I’m in love, I can’t fight it.” Or “I feel for her. I think I’m going crazy” or “This is love. I know it! I’m in love!”

Love is more than just emotions

Love is more than just emotions

Often times, people tell me that they’re in love and it feels so good or so right. They tell me “This is IT”. The moment that they’re sure “it’s love” and they can’t “fight it” or “control it” I know exactly what’s happening.

The moment you lose control of yourself and claim that it’s “love” – it’s not. Why? Because the nature of love is something that is controlled. The reason you say you can’t control it is because what you’re feeling is all EMOTION and you’ve dug yourself too deeply into it, you can’t get out.

Emotion within love is good but love within emotion is dangerous. When the “love” you claim to have is all emotion, it is not love at all but feelings that serves your sensuality. Yes it feels good and at some point it might “feel right” but when you look at it, it is self-serving, incomplete and dangerous.

Some people go to the point of obsession when they feel this kind of “love” towards another person. They would usually want the other person to reciprocate their feelings. And when rejected, they get so discouraged and the “Feeling” betrays them – it goes the other way and hurts you. Most people, when rejected, face it like a little child who was denied a toy he/she craves for. It’s not a pretty picture isn’t it? It’s a bratty and selfish image. You might tell me “I’m not like that” and I’ll tell you “Sure”.

I don’t like to argue especially when you’re in the middle of the “feeling” because people who are so deep in their emotions don’t listen.

Emotions can be dangerous

Emotions can be dangerous

So what’s wrong with being too deep in your “Feelings”? If you still don’t know, emotions come and go. One moment you’re head-over-heels about her, wanting her every attention, the next minute when you find out something about her that you don’t like, your feelings drop to zero. Feelings are very, very dangerous. Feelings make you say things you don’t really mean, it makes you commit to things you’re not really capable of fulfilling, feelings make you hold promises you can’t really keep. Emotion is a double-edged sword.

So the next time you think you’re in love and you can’t fight it, search your heart. Is it really love? Or just emotions? Love is wanting the best for the other person, it is commitment, it is unconditional – exemplified only by God Himself. Don’t reduce God to a feeling.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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