People always tell me, “I don’t have enough time” or “I’m too busy” when it comes to giving God time by reading His word or praying. Let’s face it, these are common phrases you hear people say when it comes to reading their Bible and having their ‘quiet time’.
You always have 24 hours!
Listen, you have 24 hours a day. It doesn’t get any less than that and it doesn’t increase either. The problem why you have such a hard time ‘finding time’ for God is EXACTLY THAT. YOU JUST TRY TO ‘FIND’ time instead of ‘MAKE’ time. There’s a big difference.
Finding time is trying to put God aside. It’s trying to give Him your extra time – time that you can waste.
Making time is prioritizing God over other things you can use that time for. It’s giving God time that is precious to you.
King David said: “I will not give to God that which costs me nothing.”
I say give God time that is precious to you and He will honor it. Having your quiet time is the most important thing for your relationship with God to grow. It won’t grow through ministry work, it won’t grow through discipling other people, it won’t grow through attending worship services. YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS PERSONAL – what are you doing for that personal relationship to grow?
You have to communicate with a person to know that person more
A relationship can only grow through communication – God communicates to you through His word. You communicate with God through prayer. A one-way relationship cannot grow. It is boring and tiresome – same with God. Don’t just pray, read the Bible! Likewise don’t just studiously read the Bible, you have to pray and tell God what’s in your heart! ‘Saying it’ is important!!!
Make time for God. Give Him time that is precious to you.