Ever got yourself in a tough situation where you ask yourself “I know God can take me through this. If only I had enough faith!” or “Will God allow me to get through this unscathed?” Well I was just in a situation like that today.
Woke up 4:30 am and went to the office. I arrived at around 5:30. Went out to eat and discuss something with my partner at Ministop. When we were done, we went outside to find out that it was pouring hard.
I was standing by Ministop – about three buildings and a parking lot away from my office, looking at the hard pouring rain. Clad in my green slim-fit (but large sized, so it’s not so slim-fit to me) long-sleeved polo and my black jeans, I was hesitant to leave but anxious to get into my office.
I prayed “Lord help me to get through this.” I knew I was going to get wet if I take the walk. Standing there with nothing to do, my mind kept on playing and a monologue ran through my mind. “Can God take me to my office untouched by the rain…” I looked at the thick lines of rain falling from the sky. “Of course He can.”
Me and my green long-sleeved polo that got wet
I didn’t want to go into be staying in our freezer office lavishing in its 6 split type, floor mounted, 2 horsepower units with my drenched clothes only to suffer colds and sneezes all day.
I wondered “Will God take me to my office undrenched if I believed?” Then God spoke to me. I realized that it’s not about whether He can take me through the rain or not. It’s about whether He does take me through or not, I’m going to walk it if He says so.
It’s not about whether you believe He can do it or not, it’s about believing Him. Do you see the difference? Believing if God can do it or not focuses on God’s capacity and capability, not on His nature and Character. Faith in God is rested on His sovereignty, nature, character, love – in short, Faith in God is rested on God alone – not in anything else He can do, provide or anything apart from Him as a person.
In this life, you WILL GET DRENCHED. This life is all about walking through the discomfort – all the while trusting in God whether He can take us through or not.
Think about it.
If you’re wondering what happened – yes I walked while it was raining.
And yes, I got pretty wet. Hahahaha! “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!”