A lot of people think there’s a secret ingredient to Christianity. Like there’s a secret formula to the brew. Well in fact, there is! There’s a secret – in fact two secrets! And it has been revealed to us! Ain’t that amazing? And right now, I have the privilege and authority to tell you those 2 secrets I’ve learned. Ready? Here it is:
If you know what you're cookin' you gotta know the right ingredients
Read the Bible
“WHAT?! That’s it?! READ THE BIBLE??? This sucks, I’m going to stop reading this article…”
I can only tell you the truth. There’s a reason that this is secret ingredient number 1. That reason is the same reason we use in any relationship which is communication. If I never talk to you, what relationship is there between you and me? None. Can you imagine having a friend and yet never talking to that person? Absurd, right? Yes it is.
Reading the Bible is God’s way of communicating with you. It’s His way of talking to you. Reading His word is listening to what He has to say. It’s building that relationship with Him. BUT – there’s a BUT! A relationship can never grow if it’s one-way. You won’t like a friend who keeps babbling and never gives you time to talk would you? That’s why there’s secret ingredient number 2.
If Reading the BIble is God’s way of talking to you, prayer is your way of talking to God. Remember, Christianity is not a religion – it’s a relationship. Relationships can only grow through communication. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. Prayer is simply your way of talking to God – telling Him what you want to tell Him same as how you tell your friends what you want to tell them.
How can these be the secret ingredients?
If you know what you’re cooking, you have to perfectly know the ingredients. What are you cooking in Christianity? It’s a RELATIONSHIP with God. What’s going to be the 2 main secret ingredients? IT HAS TO BE COMMUNICATION. Communication with God is done through these two secret ingredients, there is no other way.
There’s no Magic in reading the Bible and praying
But there’s God
Do you want to grow in your Christianity? Do these two things faithfully everyday and I tell you the truth, your relationship with God will never be the same.