Worry is a dangerous thing. And we all know it from the drugs invented and coughed up by our scientists and doctors to counter the detrimental effects of this strange and unnecessary emotion. So what causes worry? Where does it get it’s roots?
It all boils down to your trust in God
This is the fourth entry on my series about Worry.
My previous entries:
Top 5 reasons why you should not worry
This entry has been strongly inspired by Harold J. Sala’s book: “Making Your Emotions Work for You”
When you don’t trust the circumstance
It all occurs to us that circumstances hold it’s own will. We sometimes call it fate, we sometimes call it God’s will, and the list goes on. Whatever you call it, circumstances take place in a person’s life – and unless you’re a prophet, you probably won’t be able to tell what would take place in a person’s life in the near future.
We always start out doubting the circumstance if we are not 100% sure. And oftentimes we try to control the factors that determine the outcome of the circumstance that we put ourselves into or else WE WORRY. Right?
When you don’t trust the person
It’s natural for us as human beings to have another person earn our trust. It’s not something that we just give away. Sometimes even if it’s our loved one, we worry. And when we think about it, falls on our trust with the person as well. We sometimes don’t trust that the person would do the right thing or that the person would make it with his or her decisions. This often happens in relationships – family, boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, friends, etc…
When you don’t trust the world – and rightly so
The world has shown us about it’s ups and downs, it’s extent of good and evil, it’s capability of making and breaking lives. And we have learned that the world can be something that can easily make you worry – because whatever you do, wherever you go, to some extent, you are not safe and you cannot control it. That’s life.
It all boils down to When you don’t trust God
But all of these things have one thing in common – one Creator, one Maker, one God who claimed that He is in control over everything. At the end of it all, when all is said and done, it all boils down to your trust in God. If He said that He causes everything to happen, then He does. Remember that verse in the book of Numbers?
“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” – Numbers 23:19
So when He says that He is in control, believe Him and trust in Him – everything happens for the purposes of God. If you trust God and know that all things happen for His glory, then why worry?