What do we miss out when we’re married? What do we miss out when we enter a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship? We live in a time when the world tells us that getting married and having relationships is the norm – that it’s part of “getting there”.
I'm going to celebrate and use my singleness for God
We hear of love songs here and there, we see couples on the malls having a great time, we read love stories, watch romance films. Love, as the world knows and defines it, is everywhere. We always see the pretty side of it – that it feels good, it’s pleasurable, it’s exciting, etc. What we don’t see is what we already have.
Being single is a gift from God. It’s a season in your life where you can focus entirely on Him. In this life, you will have time for everything – set by God and appointed ultimately by Him. There will be the years for your family and when it comes, your season for singleness will be over – and it will never come back again.
I didn’t appreciate my singleness until I’ve read the book “I kissed dating goodbye”. I always felt like looking forward to marriage and that special someone God has prepared for me – I didn’t look at what I had right now and how I’ll lose it once I entered into a relationship.
You’ll only stay single for about a fourth of your life. Learn to appreciate it. Maximize it to develop yourself in Christ. Learn how to really love – to want what’s best for the other person, not just to want to feel loved because it’s pleasurable. All the things you need to know in a relationship can be developed best while you are single. It is a gift from God – even Adam and Eve were single for some time. Think about it.