Sean Si Crib

It’s been a while since I wrote in God and You – perhaps about a month? A lot has happened lately. I’ve co-founded another start-up, Qeryz, a SaaS company that deals with as-you-go microsurveys. It’s been tough and it’s been busy and I wanted to take this time off to write this letter to my son – in hopes of him reading it someday. So here it goes.


You are loved. I want you to know that. You’re going to be young, you’re going to be innocent, you’re going to be cute and cuddly and all things a baby boy should be.

But someday I know you’ll grow and you’ll find out that the world is not all you’ve thought it out to be. It’s harsh, it’s tough and you have to find your way through it. Never forget that you have only one main purpose in living – and that is to glorify God.

I know it doesn’t sound as glorious and pompous as other people will describe life to be. But it is the truth.

I’ve gone my way in the world and met other men – young, old, and all ages in between. And I’ve heard many different stories of happiness and contentment. Money, fame, power, women, charisma, connections, and all things besides. Real happiness does not lie in these things.

Real happiness lies in finding life’s real purpose and meaning. I’ve found it early on in my life and I consider myself a very blessed man because of it.

Take it from me: that purpose and meaning will be your guiding light in your life’s dark and dreary times.

It is the one that showed me the way when I was dealing with mine.

Then, when you’ve found real happiness, find life’s joys in the simple things. I found mine with just being alive, having a simple life, enjoying dates with your mom, enjoying my work, ministry, friends and time with the Lord. I know it may sound slow, steady and even boring in this fast-paced, thrill-induced life. But at the end of every day, it’s really what will matter the most.

My son, you are going to be a great man. I know it. God has great plans for your life. You don’t need to know the future – you just need to know what the next best step is. Always take one day at a time.

As I write this, I’m in the midst of starting up two companies – and it’s ripping me apart. As early as now, I want you to know that you don’t have to carry this burden someday. I will not let myself force this work on you. I want you to be who God has destined you to be. You’ll know it in time, as I knew mine.

Always be in pursuit of wisdom and personal growth. It’s one of God’s greatest gifts. I’ll tell you all about king Solomon and how he simply asked God for wisdom – and got it. There’s the source and way of wisdom right there – God. Ask Him everyday for it and He will give it to you.

Grow in favor with God and men. It doesn’t mean you have to please both. You are to ultimately please just one – God. The way to please Him is in the Bible. Read and meditate on it daily.

Favor with men is a great thing to behold. It will get you around this life in a better way. However, know that you will never be able to please everyone. Even the people you trust and favor the most will fail you one day. Guard your heart with wisdom. Choose the people with whom you will truly be vulnerable to. And be aware of the ones whom you know will disappoint you.

Know that people are finite. Even so, never take yourself to be above anyone. Always know that someone is better than you in something and you can learn from that person. Keep your head down. And most importantly, lower your expectations of people – especially the people you love and the people you work with.

Son, you are a precious and rare gem. No one will ever be like you – so never compare yourself with anyone. It will not do you any good – what is it for you when someone’s better than yourself? You will feel the need to compete or pity your own. What is it for you when someone’s lesser than yourself? Then you feel bigger than you’re supposed to. Ultimately, it is not beneficial to do this. Rather, focus on who you are right now and who you want to be someday and work and pray daily for that.

Always remember your identity. It is found in these words:

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith” Galatians 3:27

“You are the light of the world–like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.”Matthew 5:14

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

You are a child of God, you are special and you are a prince in His Kingdom. Don’t let other people tell you otherwise.

In your life’s journey, you will encounter lies, discouragements, hate, betrayal, and other things that will hurt you. Keep God’s word close to your heart. It is your guard and your guide.

I want to tell you a lot more things, son. Perhaps I’ll write you again someday. For now, these things are what I want you to put to heart and mind. It is my guiding light for you.

Keep it close.

I love you.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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