How do you know if you’re the best guy for her? Would you feel it? Would you hear it? A whisper perhaps? And once you know it, what do you do? Are you going to wait for more clues?
I posted a short Facebook status saying “If you know you’re the best for her, go for it. You’re not going to make her lose her best man, are you?” – this was sparked by the lyrics of the song ‘Endlessly’ by The Cab as my brother introduced me to it. Funny how life brings back memories in various ways.
It’s been a long while since I posted something about relationships and romance. I guess this is quite a refresher for all of us.
How do you know if you’re the best?
You don’t. There is no blueprint when it comes to relationships. God does not give you a map and leave you to find where the X is. The reason behind that? I dunno. My assumption is that God wants to make it more exciting – and more dependent on Him. The more you seek God’s Will in the aspect of your love life, the more He will reveal it to you.
The only way to really know your love story, is to seek the One who is writing it and ask Him to tell it to you. Our God is the greatest storyteller.
A Simple story
I’ll let you in on a story. There was this guy who prayed for this girl he really liked. One night, he prayed hard. No, he didn’t sweat blood while he was praying. But he prayed hard.
He said “God, if this girl is NOT the one you want me to marry and spend the rest of my life with, please take the relationship away. Cut off everything – even the friendship. Because I don’t wanna waste my time, money, effort, etc… for nothing. But God, if she is the one you want for me, then I pray give me a sign.”
And the sign he asked from God is a dream – that he would dream of her and she would dream of him.
That night, they both dreamt – of each other. And then he thought “This is it.”
A few months after, this guy got busted. WHAT???
He went on to develop himself:
- Physically he went out and went to the gym, did some swimming for exercise, ate the right food and watched his diet.
- Emotionally, he tried to wrestle with God about the heartbreak, surrendering every hurt to His creator and love storyteller.
- Spiritually he drew closer to God – seeking rest and comfort from the giver of both. Serving in ministry and affecting other people’s lives.
- Financially he worked hard. He planned, risked and then set up his own business.
- Mentally he increased his knowledge about relationships, leadership, management and financial intelligence through reading books and listening to other people’s advice.
All the while, he didn’t know that God is in the works. All these things that he did had a great purpose for him. It was God who led him to the heartbreak in order to be the best.
As time passed, God put this guy in a business relationship with the girl’s dad.
The guy and the girl became friends again (yay!)
To be continued….
Just kidding.
Got a guess as to what happened?
All things happen for a reason
Soon after, the girl asked this guy “Can you say that you’re the best for me?” – This is the question that the girl asked her suitor beforehand and she wanted to know what this guy’s answer was.
If God did not take that guy through all those things, I assure you that he would have paused, thought about it, and said “No” – because he just graduated from college and was broke and was a nobody before God took him through heartbreak.
God had a purpose. He made sure that this guy SHOULD BE the best one for this girl before he put them together.
In a heartbeat the guy said “Yes, I’m the best for you.”
Looking back, the guy knew that God is faithful. He does not give you signs you deeply asked and sought Him for without reason or purpose. God always plans ahead. He knows the blueprint. He has the map. He is the storyteller.
How do you know if you’re the best for her?
Seek God in all you do. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength and love other people as yourself. Seek first His kingdom in all aspects of your life – even in your love life.
Once you know you’re the best for her
Pray and ask God if it’s time to make a move – and if he says ‘yes’ then move! Don’t wait. Don’t let time pass and ask for more clues. God will let you know. Looking back, He was the one who connected all the dots for me. I’m not saying we’re going to have the same love story coz we’re not.
But one thing I do know, God is faithful – and if you will obey and follow His leading, He will guide you and make you see that everything He did for you was for a big purpose.
If you seek God hard enough in the aspect of your love life, He will lead you – whether it’s a ‘Wait’ or a ‘No’ or ‘You’ll get to meet him/her soon’ or what have you.
Be the best by drawing closer to God and letting Him lead you. Then go for it. It’s not easy – and it never will be even when God leads you to marriage. But it’s all about what God wants for you. And if you’d only depend on Him, you’ll see amazing things happen in your life.
Update 2013: That guy I was talking about here? Well, he’s getting married. Praise God for all He has done in my life! May my love story be an inspiration and an example to all of you. Put God first – seek Him, and suddenly love will not be too hard to understand. Suddenly, finding the perfect partner for you will not be too hard to do – because God will be the one to lead you to that person.
Pray for your future partner in life. I’ve been praying for her since I was 12. She became the best one for me in the best time because I prayed for her too you know.
For my awesome, insanely impossible, unexpectedly romantic love story – to God be all the glory, honor and praise!