How many instances in the Bible did Jesus court a woman? Hmmm… was there any? Anyhow, even if there was or there was not, I have some assumptions on how Jesus would have courted a woman. And this does not come from only my own presuppositions but from how I know my Lord from His Word.

Ever wonder how Jesus would

Ever wonder how Jesus would've done it...

Jesus would have based His love on a decision

Of course, there should be attraction and emotions involved but I think Jesus would’ve based the foundation of His love on a decision. He knew the real meaning of true love and He knew that it was unconditional in nature – a love based on a choice no matter what.

I’m not saying Jesus will not have any emotion when courting someone, I’m just saying, He knows what matters. I’m sure Jesus will feel emotional and He will definitely go through attraction, but He also knows that His choice is what should bind their relationship not emotion nor attraction.

Jesus would have given it all for His woman

The world portrays Jesus as someone who’s a wussy. They show Him to be a goodie-good person who can’t fight because He’s too gentle and loving. I think Jesus would give it all for His woman. He will fight if He had to, just as He did when He drove out the temple traders in Jerusalem – He fought for what He believed in which is His Father’s house.

If Jesus would have courted a woman, He would believe in her. He would fight for her. He would give it all for His woman.

Jesus would have always put God first

Whatever happens, Jesus would always put God first even in His love for a woman. It’s one of the hardest things to do to prioritize God over someone you’re romantically, emotionally and physically attached with or attracted to. BUT if your relationship with God is so great, your relationship with a woman can never take it over.

Jesus’ relationship with God is intimate and close. He knew God deeply. So even if Jesus would have courted a woman, He would always put God first in everything.

What do you think?

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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