Men are being graded everyday. I hate to admit this to the world, but it’s true.

Marriage ScoreboardThis article is for men out there who would really want to know how to love his girl the way she wants to be loved. This blog is also written in agreement with Dr. Steve Stephens’ book Lost in Translation, specifically on The Point System chapter.

Do you recall the last time you told your partner, “You’re moody again”? That most probably is true, but really you just GAINED a NEGATIVE SCORE. It must be that you are so low, the feelings had to show.

Women are born to be wooed. Whether you as a man like that or not, or whether your girl admits that or not,  IT IS TRUE. It was how she fell in love with you, it was how why she gave her “YES”  and it will be how she will REMAIN.

Men who go out telling other men that women are hard to understand are lazy. These are guys who forgot how capable they were to making their partner happy. They just simply gave up.

Scores can be gained and/or lost everyday. You have to understand that a point translates to the SMALL things you do for her. Sometimes, due to lack of time, resources and other excuses, men are lured into giving the BIG gifts: a new watch, an expensive gadget, a surprise date in a fine dining restaurant, etc. I hate to break this to you, but that still translates to a point; if she’s nice, 2 points may be. Now do you get it why she is not content?

It’s really the little thoughts and gestures that touches a girl’s heart. CONSISTENCY is KEY. This will definitely give you flying colors. If you could consistently do something, then this is most probably what is in your heart. So if you consistently do not inform her of your whereabouts, she understands this as you don’t want her to know where you are. Whereas if you regularly bring home something you know she likes, she understands this as you thought about her. POINT!

It pays to know her language of love as well. Once you know that, MASTER it. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

So what are you waiting for? Score those points today!

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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