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Sean: All of these things, you’re pretty much doing it by yourself. Don’t have a partner started by yourself. What is it going to be your end game? I’m assuming you’re kind of semi-retired right now, is that right?

Lane: Yeah, sort of, I guess. I’m still working my ass off, right? No, I have, I have partners. I mean, definitely have partners. We dont this all alone, right? Endgame, I mean, I like, I like to educate through my education platform, to learn these types of secrets of the wealthy that I never had access to when I grew up.

There’s a lot of hard working Americans out there and, you know, in all countries, right? There’s hard working people out there that went to college. They studied hard. They get a good professional job yet they find themselves, the only option is to invest in some kind of 401k or government sponsored land. That just sucks.

I realized this when I bought a rental property, a simple rental property, wasn’t the best one. It was my first and I realized I made 20 to 30% return on my money. And then I looked over my 401k that I was supposedly supposed to put my – all my money into, and that was only making maybe 8% what they say.

And I’m like, what the heck? Why is this making like four or five times as much as this? Like, it doesn’t make any sense to me, you know. What happened to all my money? Eventually, I figured out what it was, right? It’s you know, the world is kind of built on corporatocracy, where they kind of make money off the masses.

Sean: Got it. And if you guys, if you listeners are wondering, what’s 401k, it’s like SSS, here in the Philippines where you place your money there and you’re promised like a retirement or pension fund by the government, you guys know how that’s working out right now with the pandemic.

Lane: You know, figure out what you can do if you invest in it or make your own business and what does that give you, right? Numbers don’t lie.

Sean: You look like a guy who looks at numbers and just your shoot – straight shooter. And you’re an engineer. You know, a lot of people just don’t put in the hard work of looking at the numbers and competing like you, what you mentioned is a 1% purchase to rental revenue ratio.

Now I’m going to be talking about your secrets of the wealthy. You mentioned secrets of the wealthy earlier. I know you have an entire program for this. I’m not going to like to ask you a lot about it, but if you could indulge us with a short summary. Of course, you’re not going to give everything away. You don’t have to, but just a short summary.

What are the secrets of the wealthy?

Lane: Yeah, I mean, it’s counterintuitive things like not buying your house to live in, don’t investing in the retail financial products and things that you’re captive in a retirement plan, and investing in things that make sense that you have cash flow. You also combine different tax and legal strategies there too, but ultimately, it’s building your network with other high paid, high network investors.

Most of us in our group are doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants. We kind of stick together in an investing tribe. Yeah. I think I would urge everybody to do that. Find yourself people who are interested in the stuff and on the trajectory upward.

Sean: I’m wondering about that tribe. Are those people from all over the world or just there in the U S where you can meet physically?

Lane: Mostly in the U S and Canada at this point. I don’t speak, I don’t know how to speak any other language. Principles are very similar anywhere you go. Save at least 10% of how much you make and put it to stuff that makes you more money. Don’t buy stupid stuff.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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