Team Unity is Life

Take our bodies for example. Our body is a masterpiece of unity. Every limb, every organ, every cell in our bodies have to work in complete harmony with each other to function properly.
If we give it the right materials for it to build itself, it will be a healthy well-tuned body which can do amazing things.
If we don’t, it will start to create problems within itself.
Often this is in the form of a cardiac arrest which result to a stroke – a paralysis in specific parts of the body. Sometimes this is permanent, sometimes the body pulls off a miracle to heal itself. 
There are times when this is in the form of cancer. Cells rebelling against the architecture and unity of the body. These cells that have turned rogue will unite and form clots in the bloodstream and organs that will turn into tumors. These tumors, when not excised, will slowly kill the body – giving it tons of pain and overtime will result to a messy, painful and very expensive death.
Any organization is likened to the human body. The head is the leadership team. The arms and legs are the grassroots. The brain is the R&D. The Sales and Marketing is the heart because it is the department that pumps blood which is the cashflow of the organization. 
Any rogue personnel in an organization that is not in line with its core values, purpose, vision, mission and culture is a cancer cell. This rogue cancer cell will start to influence and corrupt other healthy cells to do the same. As it grows in mass, it will form blood clots that will either result in a stroke – mass resignation, labor cases, gross habitual neglect en masse or it will result in cancer – insubordination from time to time, insidious gossip, mediocre results that will make for a mediocre brand. 
Don’t think one is better than the other. They are, all of them deadly. Do not even think that you are doing alright if even one of these signs are already developing in your business. Kill the rogue cells immediately. Flush them out. Excise them.
It might be painful to do so. You may lose a lot of blood in the process. But you save the life of your baby. The company you worked so hard to create. 
It is a worthy trade-off. 
The only trade-off you should make if you want your business to succeed.
Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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