Sin is a word which all of us humans have. Everyone knows it and everyone, unfortunately, sins. So what’s up with sin if everyone has it anyway?

Sin has it's roots in our hearts
The Bible is explicit in calling sin, sin. It is something that must be judged – punishable by eternal death in hell. God has always called sin what it is. And He has always hated it. It is something that goes against God in nature.
Where it all started
When Adam and eve were in the garden of Eden, they and God were buddies. They were tight. They knew each other face to face. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we think that it’s when sin entered the human race – actually, it was not the action of eating the fruit but what came before that.
It’s telling God “I don’t trust you”
When Adam and Even chose to believe the serpent rather than God, that’s when sin entered our world. It’s telling God “I don’t trust you” and choosing to believe something else. Sin is something that tells God “You’re lying.” and “You’re not enough.”
The truth of the matter is, God hates sin and it all begins with us disbelieving God, choosing to go our own way when all He asks of us is this: “Trust me”