When we like someone, we usually tend to think about that person throughout the whole day – when we wake up, we check our cellphones to see if he or she replied to your message, and then before we sleep, we text them goodnight and wait for their reply. Sometimes we focus too much on the person we like we forget that we have responsibilities to other people in our lives.
You have a responsibility to the person you like
You have a responsibility to your family and friends – to the people around you
You have a responsibility to God
Oftentimes we take two or even all of these for granted. We tend to focus too much on the person we like or focus on ourselves – on what we would get out of that relationship. We forget our friends and family – that they too are affected of our affection for this certain someone. And most especially, we forget about God. We forget to ask Him what He thinks about this person you’re focusing on.
Check yourself. If you’re focusing too much on that person, maybe you’ve already dethroned God in your heart. Liking someone can be dangerous when your thoughts and emotions go for him/her and you don’t even put God in the picture – when in fact, it’s God whom you should be focusing on. I tell you, in marriage, you’ll need to focus on God a lot, lot more – don’t think that you can set Him aside while you’re in the courtship stage because when you do, you’ll find it a lot more difficult to look to Him afterward.