Today I struggle, today I fight
- Torrents and floods of temptation sweep me
- I feel weak and vulnerable
- But I say not today, no
- My eyes, the windows of my soul
- They take in arrows and smokes
- My body bleeds and grows dark
- But I say not today, no
- My mind and the free-roaming thoughts
- Of lust, deceit and lies
- They refuse to be taken captive
- But I say not today, no
- My hands and strength
- That give me the feel of pleasure
- And sends chills to arouse my body
- But I say not today, no
- My feet that take me
- That lead me where I will
- I can so easily trip and fall
- But I say not today, no
- My ears that are so quick to hear
- So slow to listen
- Taking in pleasurable knowledge
- But I say not today, no
- My mouth so insatiable
- Takes in my life’s needs
- Feeding my lust and greed
- But I say not today, no
- My heart still beating and strong
- Pumping my life away
- Deceitful in all its ways and feelings
- But I say not today, no
- My body of flesh with whom I battle
- I push and will and deny and struggle
- And I would usually fall
- But I say not today, no
- Not today
“You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” – C.S. Lewis