Ever went to Starbucks and tell yourself this line? I know some people did. Not exactly in this sentence but somewhat around it. This is called justification – it is when you’re training your mind to think about something to be right or alright but your guts tell you isn’t a just or a wise decision.

Justification - it

Justification – it’s telling yourself a 130 pesos coffee is good for you

There are a lot of times when we justify in our lives. Life is full of decisions and there are going to be times when we will be faced with ones that pull us to our desires and ones that push us to our limits. Justification can be one of the heart-soothers and peace-givers of our decision making.

Why am I talking about justification? Because I think we should not justify in any way. Maybe you’re asking “Why? What’s so wrong with justification? I get away with it sometimes!” Well, justification is the brother and best friend of compromise. Ever thought about why it’s called “JUSTIFICATION”? Because it is something to make just in your own standards something that is already unjust. It is twisting your fabric of conscience to bending to your will instead of listening to it.

Justification ALWAYS settles for the something GOOD, taking your focus away from something that’s BEST. It might be good at the moment, but at the long run, you might regret it big time.

So next time you tell yourself that a 130 pesos coffee is good for you, remember this: IT’S NOT! If you justified in any way, it means you’re dealing with something that’s unjust in the first place!!!

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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