adulteryEver heard of web 2.0? It’s the new web technology where everything is integrated to focus and to centralize on the user rather than the sites. Like facebook, twitter, plurk and multiply – they’re building bonds for them to centralize their data and services to the user rather than web 1.0 where the users have to make and build their own identity in each of those sites over and over again.

Web 2.0 is the latest innovation in web technology. But let’s talk about our topic for now which is Adultery 2.0. First let me describe the previous version which is Adultery 1.0. It existed even way before the time of Jesus. People weren’t content with their lives and their family and their spouses and they tend to look for love from somewhere else – often in the places God warns them not to look into. Adulterous men and women existed way beyond past times even in the early days. Why do so many people indulge themselves in adultery? Well, maybe because they found sex outside of marriage to be pleasurable and exciting. Or maybe even because they wanted experienced partners. Or maybe because… And the list goes on and on. People never run out of excuses for the things they know are wrong.

I’ve stumbled upon an article in Time Magazine which is entitled “Adultery 2.0” and I thought, “What the heck is the world coming to?” I thought the magazine would criticize it and flame it down, but instead, it seemingly advertised it.
Its first paragraph reads: “Two-timing politicians, take note: cheating has never been easier.
In all of my life, I never would have thought I would experience time magazine to encouragingly advertise such things as an adultery social website. It even boasts of the statistics of the site which they say averages 679,000 a month in visits and usage counts.

The article says that the site’s usage shoots up whenever its fathers day or valentines day where fathers, and loved ones feel neglected and they tend to look for love someplace else. And when they (The website and the company that owns it) were criticized for being immoral and feeding upon families and relationships, the CEO of the company says, and this shocked me and made me think for quite a while: We’re just a platform, no website or 30-second ad is going to convince any-one to cheat. People cheat because their lives aren’t working for them.

And I thought, he has a point. No one can ever convince you to cheat but yourself. You cheat because you want to. Why? Because you can’t find love in the people whom you thought you could and who has the responsibility to. The love of the world has grown cold as the Bible says and that is coming true even now right before our very eyes. People don’t greet each other in church anymore. They don’t try to get to know new people anymore. People everywhere are minding their own businesses. Even when they see someone who’s in need of immediate help, they wouldn’t care because they would tend to think that there’s always someone else to help that other person or they would think it’s a hassle for them. The world has changed – exactly just as how Jesus predicted it would.

So I urge you, men and women, love the ones whom you have the responsibility to love. Even when no one is telling you or forcing you to, love them or you are going to lose them forever. BECAUSE PRIDE WILL TAKE OVER when the relationship is marred too deeply. Love is not just an emotion, it’s an action and a decision. A decision that is made beforehand. A decision that CANNOT be compromised. Make that decision today so that when the time comes and you are tempted, you can say NO to it. Love is bigger than just an emotion and a feeling.

The love of the world has grown cold, and there are only a few who can still love faithfully. Adultery and premarital sex is increasing everywhere because that is the idea of love today. But it’s love that will not last and will only hurt in the end. It is definitely not love but lust although the world has coated it so nicely that you wouldn’t know the difference unless you face the consequences.
For what it’s worth, when the CEO of this adultery site was asked how he would feel if his wife was using the site, he admits: “I would be devastated.”

Make your decision about loving your spouse today. Adultery is a sin. God would not let it go unpunished.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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