Have you ever read the Bible? It’s often mentioned as the “Word of God”

Sword of the spirit shield of faithThe only strongest evidence that God has in existence up until now is the Bible. That’s where He claimed His existence, His creatorship, His being God. A collection of books – no other collection of anything has ever stood together as perfectly as the Bible. Different authors separated by different timeframes and different levels in society – and yet they convey one central, perfect message.

In it, we find stories that focus on morals and laws, principles and philosophies, God and His sovereignty. We find people and their character, happenings and miracles, inspiration and awareness. When we look at it all, it spells of a great gift that God has imparted to us: His story.

What do you get from a story? Jesus is a storyteller – He is a storyteller both in His tongue and His life. And one powerful thing that you can always get from His stories, I believe, is wisdom.

Throughout the entire Bible, every story and every law and every moral principle you can find, there is ALWAYS wisdom. I believe that the Bible is God’s impartation of His infinite wisdom to men. But we whose wisdom is finite, cannot understand it all – and so there became faith.

Faith is a gift of God to men. Because without it, we are pitiful creatures – never able to grasp the reality of the unknown. I thank and praise God that He has given us faith in all its mystery and intangibility.

I believe wisdom is one of God’s greatest gifts to men. The Word of God is the only weapon in “The armor of God” it is the “Sword of the Spirit”. And if you look at it closely, it is really the wisdom you have in His Word that is your best weapon against this world’s growing foolishness. The world has gone without wisdom when it shunned the Word of God out of its constitutions.

Sexual Immorality is so prevalent, sin is no longer a powerful, scorching word, corruption is a norm in the government, trust is a virtue that is almost a myth in these times – and everything else that the Bible calls foolishness the world has come to embrace.

GodAt some point, every man who has changed the world had the right wisdom in order for them to affect the change. True wisdom can only come from God – through His Word. Never stop looking for it or the growing foolishness of the world will slowly creep into you subtly – through compromise and little decisions and justifications we never thought would matter.

The wisest men will always listen, even when they don’t really have to. They will speak the fewest words possible so that they won’t have the chance to say anything foolish. They will always ask themselves what’s the best thing to do. They will always look for their Master’s wisdom in all things. The wisest men are men rooted deeply in the Word of God.

Wisdom is God’s weapon of choice. Shouldn’t you choose the same?

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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