Taming the tongue“There is wisdom in silence.” I love to say that to talkative people. It is a very good advice – even to people who are good communicators. There will always be a flaw in our way of speaking not because knowledge is flawed in itself but because our attitude and pride defiles the output of our knowledge as we convert it outwardly – it sometimes turn into cunning and slyness instead of wisdom.

There are some things better left unsaid
Some things better left unknown

The Knowledge Option

Maybe that’s why God didn’t want us to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because He knows that we can’t know it all. Some things will harm us or at least cause more harm than good. God in His awesome Glory spoke through the prophets something that boggled my mind. He said “…it didn’t even enter my thoughts…” he said that about human sacrifice – the sacrificing of babies to wooden idols they call “gods”

In life, this can be also true. There are some things that when you start to know, it will bother you and slowly eat you up, especially when you let yourself dwell in it. When you start to think about it. Those things are dangerous to know. They work like poison in the mind. And even worse than poison, they make you change your point of view to a worse direction. There are things better left unknown.

Why do we always want to try to know everything. Is it because we want to glorify God? Because of curiosity? Because of pride – wanting to know more than others so you can brag about it? Or just because…? Knowing everything is not important. It is how you apply and use what you know – in wisdom for God’s glory.

It is a Discipline

its-ok-if-you-dont-know-everythingSome things are better left unsaid – that is taken for granted by our generation today. Especially the “Emotional” people. They tend to voice out what they want to, either in action or in words. We tend to say the things we want to say because it “feels” good. But emotions are fleeting, and you will be accountable of every word you say.

Controlling your tongue isn’t an easy thing to do. It might even be the hardest discipline you can apply to your life – but it is a discipline that people will respect. It is something that will help you through in life. Know when to speak, know when to let other people know and know when to be silent and hold your tongue.

Even people in church have a problem with this. Even I have a problem with this. We all fall and fail. We have to manage our disciplines in life. This is one of the disciplines that I know will help me through. I know it’s true for me. And it will most probably be true for you too.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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