heartLove – how the word has had it’s meaning dilluted in our world. It is so used and abused by everyone and everything. From people here and there to the media to the advertisments we see everywhere. Like the phrase “Love ko ‘to” It’s so… cliche

It is used so commonly – even when it isn’t supposed to be used for that instance or occassion. The meaning of love is so much than what we use it for now. It is so deep and it comes in many ways:

Info taken from: http://www.eldrbarry.net/marriage/clas/bm04.pdf

Desire – Attraction (epithumia)

Longing – Romance (Eros)

Belonging – Affection (Storge)

Cherishing – Friendship (Phile)

Selfless Giving – Christian Love/ Unconditional Love (Agape)

So as I have just posted here, there are different kinds of love because we cannot understand love as one – it is so great that we had to separate and segregate it to five different kinds (I even remember it used to be only 4 kinds) and yet we use the word “love” in ways that it is not meant to be used – ways that are so shallow and vain and meaningless.

But enough about love, let’s move on to the word that I really want to talk about – God

We take the word “God” so much for granted. I am even apalled at myself that the word “God” has occassionally lost it’s impact and true meaning in my life. When in fact it is the most powerful word that has ever existed in the language of humankind.

It’s meaning is boundless, it’s reality is unimaginably majestic. It is Uncomprehensible. Sometimes when we pray – we just mumble words and oftentimes we don’t even expect it to happen anymore. We just say it. I don’t know why – maybe because it has turned into a ritual or a habit for us.

Imagine that!

Even I am guilty of that habit. We tend to forget that we – this generation – the generation that thinks so importantly of themselves – are created by God! Sometimes we take God and put Him in a lamp – He becomes a genie! No, less than a genie even, a genie that we don’t even believe is able to answer our prayers.

word  factoryI was ashamed of myself even as I thought about it on the bus, that I have indeed lost faith in God and have even made the word “God” a stagnant and powerless word in my life. We abuse the word “Love” so much, that it has lost it’s meaning. And God is love – we can never separate that.

Sometimes when we think about it, the word “God” has lost it’s meaning in our lives. And God has lost His significance in our lives – why? There are a lot of reasons, and each one of us has his or her own set of reasons to give. But you know what? It doesn’t matter – because God is God. Can you even imagine the greatness of God? His majesty? He is all powerful and all knowing.

It might have started with a word – God. But when that word has lost it’s meaning in your life, Everything it stands for will lose significance in your life as well.

So let me encourage you, young men and women. Understand the meaning of the word God – in all it’s entirety and know the being that that word is solely made for. How? Through the Bible – never let a day pass without spending time communicating with God.

Pray and read His word everyday – that is the ONLY way your relationship with Him will grow.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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