By: Spectralkid
The world, if taken into perspective, is still filled with the same sort of crap it’d have to put up with five years ago. People are suffering, people not caring, people inflicting pain, people just not giving a damn – the world still suffers from the same sort of neo-modernist thought that puts the human being on the pedestal… or crushed under it. Letting all these come into your realization will either drive you mad or sap you of all hope for tomorrow – believe me, I know.
Suffice to say then, that outlook hasn’t changed. Here are some of my points:
– The way the world works fails simply because of the fact that there are just more people who need saving than people who do the saving.
– One man can’t change the world – learn to live with it, you can’t save everyone.
– For every one person who makes something of himself, there’d still be a queue of hundreds on the other side of the fence waiting for their turn.
– Sure, there are successes but in the greater scheme of things, I doubt any one person’s success would justify every other problem in the world.
– And if we got something really going well, there’s always gonna be something to mess it up. It will never end because that’s human nature – we’re always bound to mess up a sweet deal — Just take a look at Genesis.
Life then ends up being an endless struggle of looking on the bright side, if you ask me. There are just too many wrongs to right that it will take centuries before we can actually get it right. We’d sooner just throw up our hands and be rid of it, let the world run to ruin because there isn’t anything worth living for. You’re going to die after a while anyways so no one would really get to see the ending of all the things you have to put up with. Our existence is just us, center stage, struggling to find meaning in the dark until it drives us insane… or we actually find it and that’s exactly what makes it all worthwhile.
For all the crap we have to put up with in the world, there’s still that persistence to clean it up and that’s exactly why there’s still a tomorrow to look forward to. It’s all a matter of perspective. Take my points for example:
– The way the world works wins because there are still the presence of people who are willing to save amongst the multitudes who needs saving.
– One man can’t change the world – learn to live with it, but you can change one person at a time.
– For everyone one person who makes something of himself, he brings hope for the hundreds on the other side of the fence waiting for their turn.
– There are successes and that proves that you can make something of yourself in the greater scheme of things.
– And even if we mess up a sweet deal, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, it just means it’s time for a new beginning — Just take a look at Genesis.
You can stand in the light and look into the dark, pitying the ones crying in the darkness – or – step into the dark side, amongst the sinners, the suffering, the madmen and find that light at the end of the tunnel, to give you hope, to give you something to look forward to, to give you something to live for. We’re all just witnesses, placed between the spectrum but no matter how you look at it, the world will still have its shortcoming as well as its appeal. It’s all just a matter of perspective.