It was past midnight and a friend of mine asked me this question: “is woman meant to be second to man?”
I was quite surprised. I don’t consider myself as an apologist (although it’s my dream to be one) but I tried to answer her as best as I could.

In God, everyone is equal

man-woman iconSociety today has placed men above women in thought, deed, praise, action, you name it. The world has twisted the truth that men and women are created equally by God. Both lives are sacred, both lives are honored by God, both lives are treasured by Jesus as He died for all. Men and women are equal up until now because that’s how God sees it.

We equate responsibility with equality

God has placed very important roles for men and women alike. Although society has placed a higher value on the responsibility of men, we are still equal. DO NOT EQUATE responsibility with equality. Sometimes we think it all goes down to that. For example: In a family, men are the ones responsible to lead because God has placed us in that position, women are responsible to take care and support their husbands. But that doesn’t make us any less equal! DON’T EQUATE RESPONSIBILITY WITH EQUALITY!!!

Let me give you another example: Suppose I’m a watchmaker and a hammer-crafter. I make a watch and I know it’s purpose – I know exactly what I designed it for, right? I love the watch and want to use it to it’s fullest. I want it to be the best that it can. So I wear it on my arms and use it to know the time.

Now, I make a hammer. I love it as much as I love the watch. They are equal. One is not more precious than the other, and one is not more useful for me than the other – they are both the same. BUT if I use the watch to pummel a nail – it will get broken, I won’t be pleased and it will only destroy itself. I love them both and they are equal to me but they have different roles. Same with men and women. God has put us in places where we can serve our perfect purposes through the perfect responsibilities GOD HAS DESIGNED US FOR.

Women, don’t look down on yourselves

God has a very special place in His heart for women. In the scriptures, Jesus gave the best compliment – one that He never gave to anyone else – to a woman:

“Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her.”

This was the story of a woman who poured perfume on Jesus’ head when the day of His crucifixion was nearing. Women, you are special – just like what my previous post, “A Woman’s Question”, says. Don’t ever believe in the lies that this world has drowned you in with.

The first sin men has ever committed was disbelief in God and believing the word of the world (or it’s current ruler, Satan). Don’t fall into that trap – Trust God, Trust in His word. Don’t stumble on Him.

THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD IS TELLING YOUWomen, donDon’t believe any of it.
Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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