How Can You Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur?



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This is a part of the second episode of the Leadership Stack AMA Sessions where I answer questions about management, entrepreneurship, self-improvement, and leadership. Want to ask me hard-hitting questions? Send them over on the Leadership Stack Discord Server so I can answer them in my next session!

What do you put into your mind first thing in the morning and how do you stay being motivated?

 I do this every day. I pray first before I opened my phone. I thank God, for the day. I thank God, that I’m awake; that I didn’t die in my sleep. I Thank God for everything that he has blessed me with. That’s pretty much the first thing I do in the morning. As to what I put in my mind, well, I do read the Bible every day and I spend maybe 10, 15 minutes reading it and praying other things that I put into my mind would be the books that I’m reading right now.

I’m reading Principles by Ray Dalio. I’ve just finished Atomic habits by James Clear and I’m rereading The Ultimate Sales Letter. For some reason. I’m also reading Narnia for the first time because I want to be able to read it to my kids as a bedtime story, but they always asked me to read their Bible. So of course, I’m going to read their Bible. No problem.

How do you stay being motivated? It’s tough. It’s very tough to lead people in general. I lead around 50 people in SEO hacker. All of them are younger than me. I’m 32 years old. It’s tough. There are not the tough days.

Work does not get done or sloppy work is produced or people are absent or late. And it’s hard to see. Sometimes the great things happening because of all the bad stuff happening. So being motivated, staying motivated is more of an attitude of gratitude. If you have an attitude of gratitude, being thankful for what you have being thankful for your team, no matter how imperfect they are being thankful that you still have work, that you still have people who help you out. Being thankful that I have my family being thankful that I have a home where I live. I have food. I have water. These things help motivate me because I am so thankful and I really am genuinely think genuinely thankful that I have these things. I am more enticed. I am more motivated to do things like this.

Again, I’m not getting anything from it, but I still do it because it’s a work of love. And I always say, can’t give what you don’t have. So there must be something that I have, I must be motivated today because I’m doing this for you.

One habit that you did consistently every day when you were just starting out.

Definitely praying and reading God’s word every day. It’s something that I did daily. It’s something I still do daily today.

What mindset did you have when you were just starting?

If you’re asking me about, was I ambitious? Did I have a risk-taking mindset? Not really, to be honest, again, it’s some serious stuff, divine appointments. How I got to start SEO hacker. I will never take credit for it because how I start was really an impossibility that if I wrote the dice, it would never. Come out to be what it is today. What I have, the people I have a company and the revenue is making. I have never dreamed of having this. Every day that I wake up is a blessing for me. Tying it back to how do I have, how I am motivated every day is because every day is already a huge blessing for me.

I’ve never expected to be married as well. Every day is a gift for me. I’m going to recommend the song at this point. So the title is Good. G O O D by Dave Barnes. That is a really good song. And that actually captures how I feel every day. So please listen to it. It’s available on Spotify. If you have Spotify, I hope you do because you need to follow our leadership staff podcasts as well.

Look for Good by the barns. Listen to it. That is how I feel every day.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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