For us, to see is to believe. Because to see is to know without a doubt that something is true. You and I don’t like to believe what we do not know – because we’re unsure.
This entry has been inspired by the words of a certain young lady
The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil has become the most formidable opponent of faith. We hate it that we don’t know. We abhor it that we do not understand. We are not secure of the discontinuing logic. We will not be satisfied with the unexplainable.
“Nothing is so formidable to man as eternity” (Pascal) – because we cannot understand it. For us, eternity is a myth and heaven is boring with the popular idea of singing praises forever. Some people would rather settle for here and now. Heaven is unknown – and will remain to be until we get there. For us, heaven is a matter of faith.
And yet nothing is so unexplainable to man as faith.
We cling to knowledge as if it is the answer and key to our desires. To our heaven. To our being. To our own sense of fulfillment and completion. It is such a paradox that knowledge cannot completely coexist with faith.
For knowing demolishes that which you would believe without understanding. Knowledge and faith can be two opposing matters of our being. And yet they are not mutually exclusive for you have to know the object of your faith – that which you would put your entire self to believe in beyond reason, knowledge or understanding.
We are fallen with the first bite of the knowledge of good and evil.
Saved by grace through faith.
Faith – the only thing that can never be attained by knowledge.
Isn’t it such a wonder how God ordained things to be?