Ever heard the phrase, ‘delayed obedience is disobedience’? I’m sure we all have – most especially when we were little kids. Holy procrastination (as I’d like to call it) is a habit that sticks to us even when we’re all grown up.

Holy Procrastination

Holy Procrastination

Obedience is immediate but understanding can follow

Isn’t it that sometimes we do not understand why we have to do things but we just do it anyway because our parents or a loved one asks us to? Obedience requires immediate action – an immediate choice to follow the command given. It is something that we cannot delay – unless you negotiate it with the one giving the command or request.

Remember the story of Abraham?

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” – Genesis 22:2

What happened after that? Did Abraham reason out with God? Did Abraham flounder around, killing time? Did Abraham think about it for weeks? Did he even negotiate with God??? Read the VERY NEXT VERSE.

“Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.” – Genesis 22:3

Early the next morning. Abraham did not Delay. Did he understand it? Heck no! It was his only son! And Isaac was a promised son to him! The big question in Abrahams head should have been WHY???

But did that question linger in his thoughts? No. He chose.

He chose to trust God.

And as a result, he immediately obeyed.

His faith is credited to him as righteousness as it is written in the new testament:

“This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”” – Romans 4:22

There are so many things in life that we do not understand. So many questions we go through. There are so many choices we have to make. And when it comes to a point where God wants you TO JUST OBEY HIM, you have to just go and do it – putting your faith in Him and knowing that everything is under His care. We have to know His truths and promises – that He has plans for us. Plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Plans to give us a hope and a future. And we have to always remember that God loves us – yes, even more than we love ourselves.

Holy procrastination can be a result of a multitude of reasons. But one thing can surpass it all – faith in God. Trust God like how Abraham trusted in Him. And God will surely remember you.

In the end, God explained to Abraham that it is but a test. And Abraham understood the reason behind God’s command. But because he obeyed even without understanding, it has become a matter of faith.

Sean Si

About Sean

is a motivational speaker and is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines

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